Family Intervention Court
Our Goal
To change the thinking, behavior and actions of the offender who commits acts of violence against an intimate partner or against another household member.
Our Mission
To provide effective supervision and comprehensive treatment services to offenders who enter a plea of guilty to a misdemeanor domestic violence charge. An intensive intervention strategy is used which includes completion of a 26-week batterer's intervention program, random or daily drug and/or alcohol testing, regularly scheduled case management sessions, at least one year of probation, and other forms of treatment tailored to the offender, as determined by the Family Intervention Court Program team.
The Family Intervention Court Program is an integrative, therapeutic alternative to traditional court practices, and fosters partnerships with local community based agencies. These partnerships are reflected in the make-up of the Family Intervention Court program team members: Judge Ron Cable, Program Manager Chris Quinlan, case managers from Oriana House, a victim's advocate from The Battered Women's Shelter, a representative from Summit Psychological Associates, Inc., domestic violence investigators Marcus Miller and Sharon Price from the Akron Prosecutor's Office, and Joseph Kodish from the Summit County Public Defender's Office.
Our AIM is to reduce the risk that the offender poses to the safety of their victim, their family, to themselves and to our community by using an integrative strategy for treatment.
For more information, please contact Program Manager Chris Quinlan at

Judge Ron Cable