The Akron Municipal Court will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in honor of Presidents’ Day.

Court Sealings

Why should I seek to get to my record sealed?

Having a sealed criminal record may prove valuable when applying for a job or license, seeking credit, applying for educational programs, obtaining housing, and securing other opportunities.

What is the difference between sealing and an expungement?

After a record is sealed the information is not available to the public. It may still be available to some employers (schools or health-care providers). An expungement means that the record has been destroyed. Ohio only allows expungements in limited circumstances, victims of human trafficking.

How do I get my record sealed?

In order to seal your record, you must submit the application to the Court in which your conviction/dismissal was disposed of.

The statutes relating to the sealing of records are found in Chapter 2953 of the Ohio Revised Code. While it is believed the following information is accurate if you have questions about the law you should consult an Ohio attorney to help you with the sealing process.

Download the Application to Seal a Conviction here.  

Download the Application to Seal a Case that was Dismissed here.  

When can I have my case(s) sealed?

If your case was dismissed or you were acquitted, you can apply right away! If your case was “ignored” or “no-billed,” you have to wait two years.

You must wait a certain amount of time after “final discharge” from a conviction before you can apply for that particular record to be sealed. A case has reached final discharge when you have completed all obligations in the sentence, including any jail or prison sentence, probation or parole, and restitution or fines. The time to wait after final discharge varies based on the type of conviction and number of relevant convictions you have:

  • You must wait ONE YEAR from the final date of discharge to seal a misdemeanor

Are all convictions eligible to be sealed?

Not all charges/offenses are eligible to be sealed. You must review the guidelines set forth in the Ohio Justice and Policy Center ‘Can I Seal My Record Guide?” to determine if your convictions are eligible.

Akron Municipal Court can only seal cases that were handled in the Akron Municipal Court (MISDEMEANORS ONLY)

Do I have to pay to apply for the sealing of my record(s)?

The Court filing fee for sealing of your conviction record in the Akron Municipal Court is $100.00. The Court filing fee for sealing of dismissals in the Akron Municipal Court is $75.00.

Note: These fees cover the costs to conduct the sealing investigation.

If you wish to seal both a conviction and a dismissal, you only need to pay for the conviction fee.

The sealing fees are not refundable. It is your responsibility to make sure your convictions qualify using the “Can I Seal My Record Guide?” and the relevant sections in the Ohio Revised Code.

What determines whether my application will be granted?

The granting of the sealing of your record(s) is within the sole discretion of the sentencing Court. To grant the request, the Court must find that you are an eligible offender and have been satisfactorily rehabilitated. There are many factors that a Court may consider in determining whether a record will be sealed.

What if I need additional help to determine if my records qualify for sealing?

If you need additional help, please contact an attorney or reach out to the University Of Akron School of Law Reentry Clinic. The website for the clinic is  

You can also visit the Ohio Justice and Policy Center website for additional information at