Mental Health Court
The Akron Municipal Mental Health Court was the first of its kind to be established in Ohio. The Mental Health Court was formed, in part, as a response to the overwhelming numbers of mentally ill offenders being seen by the Akron Municipal Court.
This program is a collaborative effort between the Summit County ADM Board, Community Support Services, and the Akron Municipal Court. Residential treatment is provided by Oriana House, Inc. Sharp Program.
Defendants who enter the program must complete an intensive two year probationary period which includes regular meetings with the judge and compliance with all mental health treatment related to counseling requirements.
Judge Annalisa S. Williams is the Presiding Judge of Mental Health Court.
Admissions Criteria
- Primary Axis I Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder or Bipolar Disorder
- Charged with a misdemeanor(s). Misdemeanors of the fourth degree will not be accepted unless the defendant has multiple offenses with a potential sentence of at least 90 days in jail
- Those charged with crimes of violence must have the victim's consent to participate
- Defendant must agree to participate
- Defendant must acknowledge a willingness to take his/her medication
- Defendant does not have a current sex offense
- Defendant must have the ability to understand and comply with the requirements of the Mental Health Court as well as the consequences for failure to comply

Judge Annalisa S. Williams