The Akron Municipal Court will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in honor of Presidents’ Day.

ODR Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to do ODR?

Yes. This is a Supreme Court of Ohio pilot program Akron Municipal Court was chosen to participate in.  All evictions and small claims cases are ordered to go through ODR pursuant to Administrative Order #4440.

I don’t know the e-mail or current telephone number of the opposing party. What do I do?

Register entering the last known telephone number of the party. While it is more efficient to enter an e-mail address, a telephone number is sufficient for registration.   

What happens if I don’t enter an e-mail address or telephone number for myself or my attorney?

ODR requires a minimum of an e-mail address or a telephone number that accepts text messages. Entering this information allows for ODR to send you the password link as well as updates as parties register for ODR. It is important that this information is entered or you cannot participate in ODR. Failure to attempt ODR can result in your case being continued or delayed.

When should I register? 

Registration should take place as soon as possible to give the parties plenty of time to negotiate. We ask that registration be completed at least 7 days prior to your hearing or review date. 

I can’t find my case number when entering it in the ODR website. What do I do?

If your case number does not come up when entered in ODR that means that a case has not been started for negotiation. Your next step will be to start a negotiation by pressing the appropriate link.

The case number should be entered as: 00CV01234 (2digitsCVfivedigits) when running a search. 

I want to Opt-Out of ODR because I think my case does not qualify for ODR. What do I do? 

There are very few reasons that would qualify a case to opt-out of ODR. If you think your case will qualify, file a motion with the court explaining why you should be allowed to opt-out.  A magistrate will then consider your motion and make a ruling. Unless the motion is GRANTED you will be required to participate in ODR.

I’m getting an error message, what do I do?

Verify you completed ALL steps with as much information as you have available to you. Normally, an e-mail of phone number is entered incorrectly and needs fixed. If you still have an error message, then contact (330)375-2275, or hit the support button in the OCR portal and ask for assistance with your problem. 

I am being asked for a password, but I never entered a password.

After you complete registration, you will receive an e-mail or text, which tells you that you registered and set a password. This allows you to go back into the ODR and check statuses and messages. If you did not set your password, you need to set one before you can go back and access your case details. If you haven’t registered by starting a negotiation, you will not get a link to set a password.   

My password is showing an error when I enter it.

Check that you have entered the information correctly. If you still have an error, reset your password. 

I got a notification that my case is closed, what do I do?

Your case itself is not closed unless you get an order from the court or a dismissal from the Plaintiff. Your ODR registration can be closed for many reasons.  Common reasons for closure of ODR:

  • The registration was done in duplicate, meaning that the Plaintiff and Defendant registered separately so two registrations were created. When an ODR closure is performed, your message telling you the case is closed also includes the reason and directions to correct the issue.
  • When the registration was performed there was an error that needs corrected by re-registration. When this is the case, the closure notice also includes a message with directions as to what needs corrected.
  • The case was dismissed by Plaintiff and ODR is no longer required.
  • If the hearing was held, the ODR will be closed unless there was a continuance for the parties to participate in ODR. 
  • No agreement was reached. ODR was participated in and the parties were unable to reach an agreement.
  • ODR was participated in settled.  The Plaintiff is then expected to file a Notice of Dismissal with the court.

I am a Defendant/Tenant in an EVICTION case and I did not register. What happens now?

The hearing date that you were given on your notice will go forward. ODR is mandatory for both parties. Because evictions are considered expedited hearings, a continuance will not be given to Defendants who fail to register for ODR in eviction cases. In order to avoid your eviction hearing date, it is important to register and participate in ODR with your Landlord.

I am a Plaintiff/Landlord in an EVICTION case and did not register for ODR. What happens now?

The hearing date provided at the time of filing will be continued.  ODR is mandatory for both parties. The hearing will be continued to the next available court date, which will be at the court discretion.  

Is the first date I received for my SMALL CLAIMS case a court date?
It is a review date that is set by the court to review your case and its status in ODR. If the parties have participated in ODR but could not reach settlement, the court will set a second date that will be the trial date. You will receive that date by mail. ODR will remain open for negotiations until the trial date. 

I didn’t register my small claims case for ODR, what happens now?

ODR is mandatory in Akron Municipal Court. If you are the Plaintiff, the Court will send you a Failure to Register for ODR letter giving you 30 days to comply.  If you do not, then your case will be dismissed. If you are the Defendant and do not register, a default hearing/trial is set by the court.