Venue Change, Additional Spots Added to Training Hosted by Ohio Supreme Court and Akron Municipal Court Judge Ron Cable
Due to high demand, the free training session entitled “Responding to Human Trafficking: One Case At-a-Time” hosted by the Ohio Supreme Court and Akron Municipal Court Judge Ron Cable’s Restore Individual Self-Empowerment (RISE) Program has been relocated. The one-day event taking place Monday, May 20, 2019 from 8:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. will now be held at the University of Akron’s Student Union Grand Ballroom located at 303 Carroll Street. Doors will open at 8:00 a.m.
Parking passes will be distributed via email at no cost to attendees. Parking passes will be able to be used in any University-owned parking deck or open lot, but the Schrank Hall Parking Deck on Carroll Street is the recommended option.
Human trafficking is modern day slavery. Annually, hundreds of domestic and foreign victims fall prey to the cruel and manipulative techniques of traffickers. The training will examine pathways into prostitution and human trafficking, explore reasons victims stay with their exploiters, identify red flags and other indicators and discuss screening tools and resources.
“We received a great deal of interest in the training which demonstrates how many community members are passionate about ending human trafficking,” said Akron Municipal Court Judge Ron Cable who leads the RISE Program created for adult female human trafficking victims. “A larger venue will help us teach even more individuals the warning signs and what to do if you meet someone who may be a victim. My team is proud to work with the Ohio Supreme Court to create an extraordinary impact.”
The training is open to judicial officers, prosecutors, attorneys, law enforcement, human trafficking advocates, justice partners, community partners and members of the community.
The Court has requested 5.5 total continuing legal education credit hours and 5.5 total continuing professional education credit hours for social work. Registration is available online at A waitlist will become available once numbers reach capacity.
This training is made possible by a Violence Against Women Act grant from the Ohio Department of Public Safety to the Ohio Supreme Court. The grant supports technical assistance to local courts interested in enhancing their response to domestic violence, sexual violence, dating violence and stalking.