Magistrate Lisa Bradley Joins the Akron Municipal Court
The Akron Municipal Court Judges have added Attorney Lisa Bradley to their staff roster as a full-time Magistrate. Administrative/Presiding Judge Annalisa S. Williams administered the oath of office yesterday, June 5, 2024.
Magistrates are non-elected judicial officers and are appointed by the Judges of the Court. Akron Municipal Court Magistrates serve all six Akron Municipal Court Judges and preside over small claims, civil, traffic and criminal matters.
Magistrate Bradley earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and History from Ohio Northern University in 2013 and her Juris Doctor from Ohio Northern University’s Pettit College of Law in 2016.
Prior to joining the Akron Municipal Court, Magistrate Bradley served the Allen County Prosecutor’s Office in the Civil Division and the Lima Prosecutor’s Office. She served the City of Akron Prosecutor’s Office as both an Assistant Prosecutor and a Police Legal Advisor from 2021 until joining the Akron Municipal Court.
“Magistrates play a vital role in any court system and Magistrate Bradley brings an incredible amount of experience and professionalism into her new role,” said Judge Williams.
In her spare time, Magistrate Bradley enjoys spending time with friends and family, attending Cleveland Guardians games, reading and going on hikes with her boyfriend and their dogs.

Magistrate Lisa Bradley