Judge Nicole Walker Named Akron Municipal Court's Presiding Judge for 2020
Judge Nicole Walker will serve as the administrative/presiding judge of the Akron Municipal Court for 2020.
In this role, Judge Walker will oversee the court’s administration, docket, and court calendar, as well as the observance of the rules of superintendence and the timely reporting and termination of all cases in the court.
Judge Walker was elected to the bench in November 2017. She graduated from The University of Akron and The University of Akron School of Law. Judge Walker is active in the community, serving on several boards.
In addition to her caseload, Judge Walker presides over a specialized docket with a mission to increase public safety and support recovery and treatment for repeat OVI offenders.
“I look forward to serving as Presiding Judge of the Court in 2020” Judge Walker said. “We have many goals as well as challenges in the coming year. I am committed to moving the court forward through long overdue technology upgrades and to improving the Court’s physical space, which will benefit the thousands of people who come through our doors each year.”
The six Akron Municipal Court Judges elect a new administrative/presiding judge each year. Judge Walker’s duties in this capacity began January 1, 2020. Judge Jon Oldham served as administrative/presiding judge for 2019.

Judge Nicole Walker