Akron Municipal Court Receives State Certification for Judge Ron Cable’s RISE Initiative
In November 2020, Akron Municipal Court’s Restore Individual Self-Empowerment (RISE), which was launched by Judge Ron Cable in October 2018, earned final certification from the Ohio Supreme Court’s Commission on Specialized Dockets.
RISE identifies and aids female victims of human trafficking, prostitution and sexual exploitation. Ohio law provides for expungement for victims of human trafficking. RISE is the first program in Summit County for adults facing this issue.
This final certification for RISE transforms it from a court-sponsored program into a specialized docket. RISE’s certification runs through December 31, 2022.
With this certification, RISE became the Akron Municipal Court’s sixth specialized docket and the second for Judge Cable to lead.
In addition to RISE, Judge Cable also presides over the Family Intervention Court specialized docket. The remaining four specialized dockets are: Active Recovery Creates Hope (ARCH) Court led by Judge Nicole Walker, Mental Health Court led by Judge Annalisa S. Williams, Valor Court led by Judge Jerry Larson and Recovery Court led by Judge Jon Oldham.
The certification requirements include establishing eligibility requirements, evaluating effectiveness of the specialized docket, and assembling a treatment team for implementing daily operations of the specialized docket. The team can include licensed treatment providers, law enforcement and court personnel and is headed by the specialized docket judge.
“My team and I are passionate about helping women who have faced incredibly difficult circumstances. RISE has made such an impact in our community and reaching specialized docket status is exciting for all involved,” said Akron Municipal Court Judge Ron Cable. “Through our Advisory Board and support staff, we offer resources to assist women in achieving their goals while working to eliminate the human trafficking epidemic.”
Individuals/organizations represented on the RISE Advisory Board are:
- Honorable Judge Ron Cable
- ACCESS Shelter and Housing
- Akron General Path Center
- Akron Police Department
- Akron City Prosecutor’s Office
- Asian Services in Action, Inc.
- Caring for Kids
- Community Health Center
- Freedom House for Women Inc.
- Legal Defender Office of Summit County
- Northeast Ohio Human Trafficking Law Clinic
- Oriana House
- RAHAB Ministries
- Rape Crisis Center of Summit & Medina Counties
- Summa Hospital
- Summit County Juvenile Court
- Summit County Prosecutor’s Office
- Summit County Sheriff's Department
- Victim Assistance Program
In both 2019 and 2020, RISE received grant dollars from the Akron Bar Foundation to purchase educational materials, transportation vouchers and identification needs for those enrolled.
Often, when a woman joins RISE, she does not have a copy of her birth certificate which is often required to start a new job, obtain a driver’s license and/or enroll in educational courses. Transportation vouchers are used for the women to travel to and from the courthouse, doctor’s visits and other necessary appointments.
Judge Cable was first elected to the Akron Municipal Court bench in 2017 and re-elected in 2019.
More about RISE
RISE began in October 2018 as a court-sponsored program and was created by Judge Ron Cable. RISE is modeled after the Franklin County Municipal Court’s Changing Actions To Change Habits (CATCH) Court which also helps adult female victims of human trafficking, prostitution and sexual exploitation.
The RISE team leads the women as they create a new, positive path for themselves. Through partnerships with outside agencies, RISE provides services such as trauma therapy, drug rehabilitation, housing, vocational sessions and other support.
Judge Cable, along with his team, have dedicated a great deal of time and energy to developing this program into a specialized docket. Fifteen women are enrolled in the program.

Judge Ron Cable