Akron Municipal Court Judge Annalisa S. Williams to Attend Conference as Ohio Team Member
Akron Municipal Court Judge Annalisa S. Williams is scheduled to attend the “2019 CCJ/COSCA Mid-West Region Summit, Improving the Court and Community Response to those with Mental Illness” taking place in Deadwood, South Dakota from October 23-25, 2019. Judge Williams was asked to be a part of the Ohio team by Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor.
In addition to her general docket, Judge Williams leads Akron Municipal Mental Health Court and the Peace of Mind Probation Program.
The conference is presented by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC), the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ), the Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) and the State Justice Institute (SJI).
“I am honored I was selected to attend this important mental health conference. I look forward to discussing community response topics with my colleagues,” said Judge Annalisa S. Williams. “The wonderful educational sessions will offer innovative ideas allowing my team to continue to serve those enrolled in our Mental Health Court in a positive way.”
Topics on the agenda include: “Early Intervention, Deflection and Diversion” and “Court Leaders’ Reforms: Challenges, Approaches, and Strategies.”
About Judge Williams
Judge Annalisa S. Williams graduated with honors from Kent State University in 1977 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. She received a Master’s Degree from The University of Akron in Urban Studies in 1980 and her Juris Doctorate Degree from The University of Akron School of Law in 1984.
Judge Williams was elected to the Akron Municipal Court on November 4, 2003 and was reelected in 2005, 2011 and 2017. Judge Williams was selected by her colleagues to serve as the Presiding/Administrative Judge in 2008, 2012 and 2017.
In 2015, the Ohio Supreme Court appointed Judge Williams as a member of the Commission on Specialized Dockets. In 2017, she was appointed by the Ohio Supreme Court to be a member of the Judicial College.
Judge Williams, an Akron resident, is married to Michael D. Williams and they have two adult children.
About Mental Health Court
Since 2005, Judge Williams has presided over the Mental Health Court and has received community and national recognition for her involvement.
The Akron Municipal Mental Health Court was the first of its kind to be established in Ohio. The Mental Health Court was formed, in part, as a response to the overwhelming numbers of mentally ill offenders being seen by the Akron Municipal Court.
This program is a collaborative effort between the Summit County ADM Board, Community Support Services and the Akron Municipal Court. Residential treatment is provided by Oriana House, Inc. Sharp Program.
Defendants who enter the program must complete an intensive two year probationary period which includes regular meetings with the judge and compliance with all mental health treatment related to counseling requirements.
About Peace of Mind
The Peace of Mind Probation Program provides a forum for female defendants to discuss specific life stressors, traumatic events and triggers. Each participant will have the opportunity to explore how their thoughts and feelings, directly or indirectly, impacted their involvement in the criminal justice system. The program’s mantra is “wise women walk away.”
The Peace of Mind Program was started in 2015 and has more than 50 graduates. In September 2018, Peace of Mind earned the Ohio State Bar Association's 2018 Innovative Court Programs and Practices Award.
Peace of Mind was created by Judge Annalisa S. Williams. Judge Williams and her team have led the program since its inception.

Akron Municipal Court Judge Annalisa S. Williams