Akron Municipal Court Develops New Court Security Committee
The Akron Municipal Court has assembled a Court Security Advisory Committee. The first meeting for this initiative took place in November 2020. The Advisory Committee Chair for 2021 will be Administrative Judge Ron Cable.
In recognition of the ongoing importance of the security and safety of visitors/employees at the courthouse, the Judges of Akron Municipal Court have determined it necessary to update the Court’s existing Court Security Procedure Plan. As required by the Supreme Court of Ohio, the Court Security Plan establishes directives for the support of existing security within the Courthouse while maintaining accessibility to the Community. The Court must appoint a local advisory committee comprised of individuals from a variety of backgrounds to plan security needs.
Court Security Committee members are:
- Judge Nicole Walker, 2020 Committee Chair and Judge, Akron Municipal Court
- Judge Ron Cable, 2021 Committee Chair and Judge, Akron Municipal Court
- Tara L. Mosley Samples, City Councilwoman, Akron City Council
- David O’Neal, District Chief, Akron Fire Department
- Thomas Smoot, Summit County Emergency Management
- Mychal Brown, Probation Officer and Former Akron Police Detective
- Ron Black, Supervisor of Court Security, Akron Police Department
- Jim Laria, Clerk of the Akron Municipal Court
- Montrella Jackson, Court Administrator, Akron Municipal Court
- Eve Belfance, Law Director, City of Akron
- Captain Don Joseph, Summit County Sheriff, Court Services Liaison
- Noah Munyer, Akron Bar Association / Criminal Defense Lawyer
- Steven McGarrity, Executive Director, Community Legal Aid
- Magistrate Cedric Colvin, Magistrate for Judge Annalisa S. Williams, Akron Municipal Court
- Magistrate Thomas D. Bown, Magistrate, Akron Municipal Court
The major goals for this initiative are to update the existing courtwide security plan, adopt recommendations from previous Ohio Supreme Court security assessments, maintain a fully staffed court security unit and determine necessary funding/costs for security equipment.
The creation of this committee was an initiative of all six Akron Municipal Court Judges: Administrative/Presiding Judge Ron Cable, Judge Annalisa S. Williams, Judge Jerry Larson, Judge Jon Oldham, Judge Nicole Walker and Judge David Hamilton.
“Prior to the pandemic, our courthouse had a tremendous amount of foot traffic six days per week. We are still seeing a number of cases in person and it is important that we have strong security to provide a safe environment for the public and the court staff,” said Administrative/Presiding Judge Ron Cable. “We are actively reviewing existing protocols to determine what changes need to take place to both allow for social distancing and to provide a feeling of wellbeing for all court users.”
The Court Security Committee realizes the importance of their duties.
“I am honored to be a part of the court security task force for Akron Municipal Court. As someone who came from the courthouse, I truly understand the importance of secure security measures in the courthouse as well as in the police station. I look forward to lending my voice and ideas to the process,” said Akron City Councilwoman Tara L. Mosley Samples.
Meetings will take place on a monthly basis. News releases will be sent when changes/protocols have been scheduled and/or implemented.

Judge Ron Cable

Tara Mosley-Samples