How Do I...

Akron Municipal Court
172 South Broadway St
Akron, OH 44308

The Courts and Court Offices are located on the 1st floor, 2nd floor, and 3rd floor.

There are maps and directions on this site to help you get to the Akron Municipal Court and locate nearby parking facilities.

The only way to change your court date is to appear in person or have your attorney appear for you to request a change of court date from a judge. Report to the Clerk of Courts Office and personnel there will pull your case and direct you to the correct judge.

To be married by a Judge at the Akron Municipal Court:

  • First, you need to pay the Wedding Fee to the Clerk of Courts, Civil Division. If you live in the Akron Municipal Court's jurisdiction the fee is $35.00. If you live outside of the Akron Municipal Court's jurisdiction the fee is $50.00.
  • All payments must be in cash. Checks and credit card are not accepted for Marriage Fees.
  • After paying your Wedding Fee you will then be able to schedule your wedding date with the Service Bailiff's Office
  • Generally, weddings are scheduled 2-3 weeks from time of payment

Report to the Clerk of Courts Office for direction to the courtroom where your hearing will be held, report to the courtroom and check-in with the bailiff on duty.

  • DO NOT use nicknames or alias.
  • Use the same spelling as listed on your paperwork.
  • If name or address is incorrect, advise the court so it may be corrected.

You must bring any relevant paperwork having to do with your case, such as:

  • Copy of Citation
  • Any written communication from the Court
  • Bond papers and receipts
  • Documents of proof for compliance of judicial order or sentence

As a defendant, expect to be in Court for a substantial portion of the day to take care of all possible matters.

  • Arraignment - Reading of your Constitutional rights, reading of the charges, entering a plea.
  • Pretrial Hearing - A conference between parties (prosecutor, and defendant or attorney for defendant) regarding the settlement of the case.
  • Trial - The examination of the evidence and the decisions of the issues of law by a Judge or Jury to determine guilt or innocence.
  • Post Judgement Hearing - Any hearing after sentencing that would require a modification, review or change in the Court's Order.

If you have a waiverable citation and have not paid the fines by the court date, the Clerk of Courts Office must receive your payment within ten days of your original court date.

Yes, if you have a waiverable citation you can mail or bring in a copy of your insurance card or policy showing coverage for the date of your violation.

The Judge determines the fine amount in court and there is no way of knowing what you will pay prior to your court appearance. The Judge reviews the records, listens to your comments, and bases his/her decision on all the information given. If you do not have money on the date of your appearance, the Court will allow you additional time to pay your fine. This is referred to as payment agreement. There is a $20.00 fee for being placed on a payment plan.

  • The Clerk of Courts accepts payment by cash, check, money order or Visa/MasterCard. Checks and money orders should be payable to the Akron Municipal Court, and can be mailed. Please include a copy of the citation or the citation number on the check.
  • Court Costs are a minimum of $62.00 for all Criminal and Traffic Cases (including charges that can be waived). These costs cannot be waived if a person is found guilty, unless the Court makes a determination that the person is indigent.
  • If you go to trial there may be additional cost incurred for the subpoenas; witness fees; etc. These fees are in addition to the minimum $62.00 costs.
  • If you wish to plead not guilty you must appear in court on the date and time specified on the citation and enter a verbal not guilty plea.
  • Your case will then be assigned to a Judge and you will be given a date for another court appearance to the assigned Judge.
  • First day of January (New Year's Day)
  • Third Monday in January (Martin Luther King Day)
  • Third Monday in February (President's Day)
  • Last Monday in May (Memorial Day)
  • Fourth day of July (Independence Day)
  • First Monday in September (Labor Day)
  • Second Monday in October (Columbus Day)
  • Eleventh day of November (Veterans Day)
  • Fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving Day)
  • Friday after Fourth Thursday in November (Day after Thanksgiving)
  • Twenty-fifth day of December (Christmas Day)

If any foregoing holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the preceding Friday. If any foregoing holiday falls on a Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday.

Please direct any questions not answered here to our contact page.