Sandra Kurt, Clerk of Courts
Civil Costs


Description Cost
Regular Civil Case Filing with Certified Mail Service (Up to 2 Defendants) $176.00
Each Additional Defendant $20.00
Eviction Case Filing with Certified Mail, Bailiff Service, Regular Mail (1 Defendant) $193.00
Eviction Case Filing with Certified Mail, Bailiff Service, Regular Mail (2 Defendants) $203.00
Each Additional Defendant with Certified Mail, Bailiff Service, Regular Mail $30.00
Replevin (Up to 2 Defendants) $176.00
With Locksmith Order (1 Defendant) $191.00
With Locksmith Order (Each Additional Defendant) $20.00
Cognovit Note $173.00
Small Claims (1 Defendant) $133.00
Each Additional Defendant $20.00
License Suspension Appeal $94.00
Transfer of Judgement from Another Court $103.00
Alias Bailiff Service $20.00
Alias Certified Mail $15.00
Alias Regular Mail $10.00
Amended Complaint & Cross-Complaint (Up to 2 Parties) $43.00
Additional Service Per Defendant:  
Certified Mail $15.00
Bailiff Service $20.00
Regular Mail $10.00
Counterclaim & Third Party Complaint (Up to 2 Parties) $78.00
Additional Service Per Defendant:  
Certified Mail $15.00
Bailiff Service $12.00
Regular Mail $10.00
Appeal/Transcript $50.00
Certificate of Judgement $45.00
Change of Venue/Transcript $40.00
Execution $60.00
Foreign Service:  
Sheriff Service $40.00
Secretary of State Service $15.00
FRR $9.00
Garnishment - Personal Earnings:  
If Total Amount Now Due is $3,000 or Less $143.00
If Total Amount Now Due is Greater than $3,000 $203.00
Garnishment - Other Than Personal Earnings:  
Bailiff Service (In-County) $66.00
Certified Mail (Out-of-County) $95.00
Jury Demand $350.00
Mandatory Order, Show Cause with Certified Mail or Bailiff Service (1 Defendant) $50.00
Each Additional Defendant $15.00
Motions (Any Civil Motion Which Would Terminate the Action):  
Summary Judgement, Default Judgement, Judgement on the Pleadings & Dismissals (Except 1st and 2nd Cause of Evictions) $25.00
Motions to Vacate & Any Other Civil Motion That Modifies a Final Judgement $60.00
NSF Check $40.00
Objection to Magistrate Decision $50.00
Order of Sale and Appraisal for Executions $78.50
Pay Order $7.00
No Charge for First Ten Copies $0.25
Certified $1.00
Exemplified $3.00
Revivor with Certified Mail or Bailiff Service (1 Defendant) $93.00
Each Additional Defendant $18.00
Subpoenas with Certified Mail of Bailiff Service (1 Witness) - Does Not Include Witness Fee of $6.00/person $10.00
Transfer to Regular Court Docket/Other Court $40.00
Trusteeship (First 10 Creditors) $60.00
Writ of Restitution $40.00